Simon says games for esl
Simon says games for esl

simon says games for esl

For example, ‘I want to buy a blue T-shirt.’ Then students should look at their clothes cards and if the blue T-shirt card is on the left end or the right end of the line of cards, then they can turn that card over. To begin, the teacher will choose one of the clothes flashcards and say the target expressions out loud. Next, ask students to place the clothes mini-flashcards in a horizontal line in any order that they want.


Download and print these clothes student cards and give one set to each student or pair of students. To play this clothes bingo game, you need some small clothes flashcards for students to use. This fun ESL card game is a variation of bingo and can be played with any target language. This game is a lot of fun and kids really like it. Continue playing the game until only a few students are left standing. If a student mimes putting on the item of clothing when the teacher didn’t say please, then that student is out and must sit down. If the teacher just says ‘Put on your hat.’, then students should not do anything. For example, if the teacher says ‘Put on your hat, please.’, then all students should mime putting on a hat. If the teacher doesn’t say ‘please’, then students should not do the action. In this game, if the teacher says ‘ please‘ at the end of the sentence, then students should do the action. Once students have practiced enough, it’s time to start the game. For example, ‘Put on your hat.’, ‘Take off your hat.’, ‘Put on your jacket.’, ‘Take off your jacket.’, etc.


Before starting this game, first, teach the students how to mime putting on different items of clothing. This variation of the classic classroom game ‘Simon Says’ is a great listening activity to practice clothing words. 2: Put On Your Hat, Please (Simon Says Game) Alternatively, it can be used as an introduction activity to introduce the topic of clothes and to activate students’ existing knowledge of clothes vocabulary. This activity can be used as a review activity once students have learned some clothing vocabulary.

simon says games for esl

They then have 5 seconds to guess what piece of clothing it is. In this game, students will see an outline of an item of clothing.

simon says games for esl simon says games for esl

Not only is Simon Says super fun though, it is also a great way to help children develop various skills.This clothing guessing game is a great way to introduce or review clothes vocabulary with kids. First of all, Simon Says is super fun, and children learn best when they have playing and having fun. Now that you know how to play Simon Says, let’s look at some of the benefits to playing Simon Says with children. What Children Learn By Playing Simon Says To help you out, here are some ideas of what to say in Simon Says. It can be little difficult to come up of many different instructions when playing Simon Says.


Just like in the offline version of the game, if a student follows the instructions when ‘Simon’ doesn’t say “Simon Says…”, then that student is out and must sit down. Then, choose one student to be ‘Simon’ and ask that student to give instructions using the structure “Simon Says clap your hands.“. Next, ask all students to stand up and step back so that you can see their upper body on Zoom. To play Simon Says on Zoom, first make sure all students’ webcams are turned on their volume is turned up loud so that they can hear ‘Simon’. Luckily, it is still possible to play Simon Says on Zoom. These days more and more schools are switching to virtual learning and teaching online via zoom. After about 5 minutes, the children left standing are the winners. If ‘Simon’ does not say “Simon says…” before the instruction, the children who still follow that instruction are out and must sit down. If this child says “Simon says…” before giving the instruction, for example “Simon says touch your nose.”, then everyone should follow that instructions. This child will then stand at the front and give instructions to other children. To play Simon Says, first choose child to be ‘Simon’. Below, we will explain how to play Simon Says and detail the rules of Simon Says. If you’re not sure how to play Simon Says, don’t worry. Simon Says can be used as a warm up activity, a time filler activity, or simply as a fun game to keep kids entertained. It helps to teach children listen skills and how to follow instructions. The classic game Simon Says is a fantastic no-prep game that children absolutely love.

Simon says games for esl