Grounded theory qualitative research
Grounded theory qualitative research

grounded theory qualitative research
  1. Grounded theory qualitative research how to#
  2. Grounded theory qualitative research software#

And in order to do so, you have to reach a higher level. And when you do comparison, you can compare interview one with interview two. You compare what this person says to what this person says. And then you go about and interview the second person. You remember, it's 1967, the Summer of Love? You interview him about his views on the world, about love and peace. For an instance, you interviewed this first hippie. What is this constant comparison? Well, I will show you. This is revolutionary, the constant comparison. It's not about coding, it's not about the revolutionary bit. It was so important that at first, they even planned to call the book The Constant Comparative Method. And what are the key elements then in this Grounded Theory? What are these influential key concepts? Well, the most important concept in Grounded Theory is constant comparison. We need qualitative analysis in order to create theories, we need to build theories. We need qualitative analysis because of the deficit of this hypothetical deductive view. And they were also revolutionary because they said, we need qualitative analysis, not for description. Under study, so it becomes less relevant, they said. And less linked to the live world of people. And what they do is, they create new hypothesis that become really small. And if they can't verify their theory, they say the hypothesis is wrong, and but the theory is still okay. And they said, well, what these hypothesis checkers are doing is they're not testing their hypothesis, but they're just checking their theory, so they're not falsifying, they're verifying their theory. It was also revolutionary because they were very much against a hypothetical, deductive view of science that was pretty popular at that time. And many people would first get a data and then start analyzing, or start writing. And obviously, ethnographers did that for ages. Grounded Theory was also revolutionary because what they said was, data analysis takes place during data collection. And Grounded Theory was inductive, as opposed to much of the deductive work, but wasn't naive inductivism. No, what they said was, we are going to link data analysis with theory. But Grounded Theory was revolutionary because it didn't say, we are going to do theory, or we are going to do data analysis.

Grounded theory qualitative research how to#

Discussions were going on about how to do research top down or bottom up, and there were discussions going on about theoretical imagination versus rigorous methodologies. Especially in American sociology, it was more about deduction, about grand theories that were applied. Why, why was this so revolutionary? Well, in the 1960s, there was another view of science pretty dominant.

grounded theory qualitative research

So, therefore, Grounded Theory is extremely popular nowadays.

Grounded theory qualitative research software#

And therefore, new qualitative researches that, the touch upon qualitative analysis started with this software and then ended up with doing or reading about Grounded Theory. Key concepts from Grounded Theory, key rules in Grounded Theory, were pretty easily transposed to software.

grounded theory qualitative research

Software developers found out that Grounded Theory was ideal to translate into software tools. And lastly, the last 20 years have become really popular due to software. And was highly detailed, so it would help you in giving rules, how to go about in your research, and to help you in taking small steps to your interpretation and still grounded to data. Second reason why it is so popular is because, it was one of the first books in which the complete book was about a certain specific methodology. Several key concepts in Grounding Theory, several key elements in Grounding Theory were really revolutionary, new, and triggered the sociological imagination of many researchers. Why it's so popular is because of its influential key concepts. Why is that? Why is Grounded Theory so immensely popular? Well, probably because it's often mis-cited, but that's a bit of a false argument. And it has become really, really popular throughout the qualitative analysis landscape. Discovery of Grounded Theory was written by Glaser and Strauss in 1967. The most cited work in qualitative analysis definitely is The Discovery of Grounded Theory.

Grounded theory qualitative research